Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Everyone has those pivotal moments in their life, big or small to the world, they change a person. Freshman year we all walked around during the club fair and I saw a big poster. It had some pictures of a globe on it. I didn't really notice that much, I saw that one of the only seniors I knew was heading the club, so I thought I would sign up. After all, what was the harm? I got an email later in the day saying that I had joined the club and that was it. A few weeks later I got another email, asking if I wanted to go to a conference in Philadelphia. It was called SDLC and I didn't really know what it was, I had mentioned it to my parents and they had said maybe and I never gave it a second thought. Around a week after that I was walking to lunch and I got a call from my dad. He said the deadline to apply was today and that if I wanted to apply I had to write my paper by the end of the day. I freaked out and ran to the library and frantically typed out the paper. I sent it to the head of the club and then that was it. The next day I was asked to go. I couldn't believe it, but never the less, the time came to go to the trip and I did. And to be completely blunt. It was life changing. I changed the way I looked at the world and started to see problems with the standards around me. From then on I looked at things differently. That club was united students and that conference was a pivotal point in my life. When I look back at that moment now I'm so thankful that I applied, I almost didn't. If I hadn't, I would never be a club leader, I never would question the way I looked at the world, and honestly I wouldn't be me.

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