Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mr. Wopsle = Danny DeVito

Mr. Wopsle is a secondary character in "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.  He first comes into play when invited to a dinner party at the "Joe" residence.  First described to the reader, Mr. Wopsle is "united to a Roman nose and a large shining bald forehead, had a deep voice which he was uncommonly proud of (24)." His character later develops into a character that Pip can release his stress and anger on.  Though he does not express these feelings physically, "Mr. Wopsle's Roman nose so aggravated me, during the recital of my misdemeanors, that I should have liked to pull it until he howled (28)." During this scene, Pip finally expresses his emotions toward a character which seems to be Mr. Wopsle.  Many times after Mr. Wopsle has been introduced into the story, Pip takes several subtle shots at him.  For example, on page 35, "Mr. Wopsle had greatly alarmed me more than once, by his blowing and hard breathing," and on page 34 "And stimulating Mr. Wopsle not to tumble on his roman nose, and to keep up with us."  These subtle remarks by Pip show his dislike for Mr. Wopsle and develops him into a release of stress and anger for Pip.

I believe that Danny DeVito would be a perfect actor to play Mr. Wopsle.  This is because the character description is closely matched to DeVito's physical appearance.  Also, many roles that DeVito plays are extremely similar to Mr. Wopsle's character and his purpose in the story. Danny DeVito by Gage Skidmore 3.jpg

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